
the indomitable ally of parents..... or the unofficial shrink/heartthrob/partner-in-crime for teenagers.

Only kids and teachers know for sure what transpires within those classroom walls

and attiTUDES EtherMag© wants to know.

Undercover of anonymity, send us your reviews and comments

about those strange alien types that choose to spend the day tormenting teenagers

and the other ones that only come to school to tease us.

Ps.. to any Teachers that have wandered onto this site, and then onto this page...

your comments are also welcome.


My age is

I live in (country)



The best teacher I know teaches....

"The Best" because...

Add your own rave....


The worst teacher I know teaches...

The main problem is...

Add your own rant....

My average grade is/are

School in general is

If I could, I'd quit school

Other subjects I'd like to study

Rock 'n' roll Guys Babes The Finances of international religions

Further Comments

(but only if you REALLY feel like it)



With Special Thanks to... Mr Alexander & the flying pig orchestra

to return home

click your mice together