the year 2000. Two thousand years since the birth
of historys most famous psychic. According to
the Bible, Jesus displayed abilities beyond
explanation, even by todays advanced
Supernatural powers, such as Extra Sensory
Perception (mind reading, seeing into the future,
etc.) and Psychokinesis (affecting objects by
mental rather than physical effort) fall into a
category known as the paranormal.
For many years paranormal ability has been
perceived in the media as a wacko
subject along with UFOs, aliens, ghosts and ghouls
(see our very own SuperUnknown) or just a
money-spinning confidence trick by people with
bendy spoons.
recent years, though, a number of paranormal
experiments have been conducted by experienced and
respected scientists.
such scientist is John Hasted who has completed
thousands of individual experiments which suggest
that the bending of metal by paranormal means is
possible. Many scientific institutions have
conducted controlled tests known as
Ganzfeld experiments which demonstrate
that telepathy is also possible.
Inspired by the success of Hasted and Co. the
Exposure crew decided to do its own paranormal
tests. Eight of us got together one Thursday
evening to try and unearth our potential mental
Not wanting to risk damaging our expensive office
equipment we steered clear of metal bending. We
went for telepathy instead. We used five, home made
cards each displaying a different symbol: a square,
a circle, a cross, a star and wavy lines. The cards
were laid out on the floor next to each other. The
idea was that one of us would focus on a particular
card and mentally project the symbol to the rest of
the group.
Patrick went first but his projections were about
as successful as his chat up lines. Then Marlon had
a go and, to everyones amazement, Mirella
correctly identified the symbol Marlon was
projecting three times in a row. Were we onto
something? They carried on and Mirella achieved a
success rate of six out of seven. The odds against
this happening are nearly 20,000 to 1! Had we
discovered some kind of telepathic link between
Marlon and Mirella?
scientific experiments (including one undertaken by
people whose integrity is beyond question, ie us)
suggest that some aspects of the paranormal do
indeed exist.
If people can exchange images with their minds who
knows what else we can do with a bit of practice
and dedication? Perhaps we might not need phones
anymore. We could just think to each other. Mobile
phones made obsolete by thinking
people. Or perhaps we could open the fridge, select
a drink and make it fly over to us on the sofa
without having to turn away from the TV. All with
the power of the mind.
But how will we ever know whats possible if
we dont try? So start trying. If you want to
have a go at Psychokinesis dont go bending
your mums cutlery because shell ring us
and complain. Instead, flick a coin over and over
again and, with the power of your mind, try to make
it land on heads. If you do this a hundred times
and heads appears more than, say, 60 times then you
may be onto something. Do the experiment again and
again to see if your results are repeatable.
Or, if you want to try telepathy, dont go
projecting embarrassing photos of yourself in a
batman playsuit when you were six. You never know
who might be picking up your thoughts. There could
be a whole army of telepathy hackers laughing at
you! Instead, have a go at Exposures card
If you do find that youre telepathic,
psychokinetic or anything else ending in -ic then
do let us know. Prove to us you have paranormal
powers and well do a feature on you and give
you the Exposure you deserve!
Richard Floyd
Illustration: Stuart
by kind permission of